Our Larkhall – Your Voice Matters community engagement exercise aimed to gather the views of local people on life within the villages of Larkhall, Netherburn, Ashgill and Dalserf.
It was undertaken by a partnership of local organisations and individuals, chaired by LCG.
The consultation spanned 8 weeks and resulted in a 0ver 1800 responses.
The priorities from the survey identify the things that are most important to the community. From these, we can identify potential projects that can be developed and delivered by local groups and organisations.
We will facilitate, encourage and empower local people to see the potential and embark on the journey to make these into reality, signposting them to the support available and working with them as required.
Other larger scale priorities will see us working with partners to ensure that the views of local people are included in the design and delivery of projects and services e.g. replacement leisure centre. The current one was built in the 1960s and needs replacement.
The report of the survey is complete and the launch has taken place.
Since the establishment of LCG in 2010, we have always been mindful of the opportunity for communities to step into the gap where services are cut or removed due to financial pressures. This is a fact of life going forward and we believe that the structures in place in our area, together with the increasing awareness of ‘self-help’ puts our community in a very positive place to better look after its people and its assets.